

When I think about my career as a stylist, it is impossible not to mention the role of the SPROWT Foundation and Dr. Rumina Fateally in this process. With a transformative vision and an inspiring mission to create a world that values each individual, embraces diversity, and promotes human growth, SPROWT has become a true catalyst for my progress.

I remember when I was taking my first steps in the world of fashion and felt that my voice and creativity needed a platform to shine. It was at that moment that SPROWT entered my life, offering invaluable support and opportunities that changed the course of my career. Through its commitment to opening doors for young talents, the organization became the springboard that allowed me to make my debut at the Mozambique Fashion Week.

SPROWT provided me with a platform to showcase my creations and also connected me with other professionals in the fashion world. Today, looking back and seeing my collections come to life on the runways of Mozambique Fashion Week, I cannot help but thank SPROWT for being the force behind this incredible journey.

With gratitude,

Cúccla Mithá
Founder & Creative Director of the brand C.U.C.C.L.A

When I arrived in Maputo, much like in my previous places of residence, I wanted to contribute to the community and develop my work as a stylist.

I learned about SPROWT through a friend and met Rumina and the team. The work that SPROWT has been doing, contributing to people developing their skills and providing opportunities for learning and advancing in their work, is very important to me.

My participation in MFW 2022 became a reality because SPROWT believed in my work and potential and opened the opportunity with the direction of MFW.

I have the goal of contributing my work to social causes and empowering girls and women in the world of fashion, and through SPROWT, I find the platform to do so because I believe in SPROWT’s mission.

Rita Cazergues
Founder of Chez Rita Creations


10 years ago, in one of my workshops, I remember saying that one of my GURU objectives was to be part of a movement that aimed to transform the world…a Foundation! “The Alchemist” in me always kept that wish well nourished and alive in my heart.

When SPROWT Foundation invited me to be part of this project I immediately felt that somehow “the Universe had conspired to make that dream come true.”

SPROWT Foundation stands for the values I live and stand for (Empowerment, Inclusion, Education, Kindness and Giving Back) and through different programs and events has been creatively working in order to put them in practice helping to re-write the story of so many people.

My gratitude to SPROWT Foundation is beyond words and is becoming part of my understanding of living a life that matters by doing small actions that can create change for a better and more beautiful tomorrow, because what is divided by status can always be united by Humanity.

Zarah Merali Sacoor
Founder of ‘Once upon a… me’
SPROWT Foundation Ambassador