
Mostafa Salameh

Adventurer, Author & Public Speaker 

From Refugee to Explorer: The Inspirational Journey of Overcoming Limits

(Interview in English)


Sabina Ali

Founder of SAB Consulting & Life Coach

From Vision to Reality: Personal Growth, Leadership, and Life Coaching 

(Interview in English)


Maurice Ngwakum

Consultant at Deloitte

Connecting Continents: Digitization, Development and Diaspora

(Interview in English)


Anabela Adrianopoulos

SPROWT Ambassador

Empowering Communication and Activism in Mozambique 

(Interview in Portuguese)

Anabela Adrianopoulos

Fatima Esmail

Co-Founder & Head of Education at SPROWT Foundation 

Cultivating the Future of Education

(Interview in English)


Joseph Ortiz

Artist & Music Producer

Finding harmony in Art, Impact and Growth

(Interview in English)

Podcast Images

Miriam Morais

Executive Director of MAKEBA magazine

Communication and the impact on the transmission of knowledge

(Interview in Portuguese)

Miriam Morais

Cúccla Mithá

Founder & Creative Director of the brand C.U.C.C.L.A 

Entrepreneurship and Fashion and the Impact on the Development of Culture

(Interview in Portuguese)


Riyadh Sidat

Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UNOCHA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), Bangkok, Thailand

Humanitarian Service

(Interview in English)


Mayra Camal

Co-Founder & Director of Admissions at Prime Education

Entrepreneurship in the education services business and its impact on Economic Development

(Interview in English)


Laila Chilemba

Vice President for Socio-Economic Development of Total Energies EP Mozambique in Area 1

The Socio-Economic Development of local rural communities.

(Interview in Portuguese)

Laila Chilemba

Manuel Gameiro

President of Nedbank Mozambique 

Contributions for the Economic Frontline & Business Development in Mozambique

(Interview in Portuguese)

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Nabila Ramos

Founder & President of the Somar Association

Women in Leadership – “Sharing Experiences”

(Interview in Portuguese)

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Dora Chipande

Patrons Board Member of the Alberto Joaquim Chipande Foundation

Women in Leadership – “Sharing Experiences”

(Interview in Portuguese)

Dora Chipande scaled 1

Natércia Sitoe

Senior Associate Lawyer of TTA Advogados & Master of Ceremonies

Women in Leadership – “Sharing Experiences”

(Interview in Portuguese)

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Esperança Bias

President of the Parliament of the Republic of Mozambique

Breakfast Live Event

(Interview in Portuguese)

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Cheila Abasse

Founder & Director of RH Rhesolve 

Women in Leadership – “Sharing Experiences”

(Interview in Portuguese)

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Narciso Matos

 Rector of the Universidade Politecnica 

Education for Sustainable Development

(Interview in Portuguese)

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Pedro Carvalho

CEO of absa Bank

Auto-sustainability for Non-Profit Organizations

(Interview in Portuguese)

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