SPROWT Joins Aurora50 in World Guiness Record-breaking Pledge for Gender Equality

On November 2023, a groundbreaking event took place as thousands of individuals pledged their support for gender equality in the workplace. Spearheaded by ADNOC and Aurora50, this historic endeavor aimed to break the Guinness World Record™ for ‘the most pledges received for a gender equality in the workplace campaign in 24 hours’.

The call to action resonated globally, with people from diverse backgrounds stepping up as catalysts for change. Among them, SPROWT’s Chairperson, Rumina Fateally, participated proudly and pledged her support, adding her voice to the movement for gender inclusivity and equality.

More than 5,000 individuals, both physically present at the Summit and virtually engaged online, signed the pledge within the 24-hour timeframe, a remarkable feat audited by the esteemed accounting firm EY. Notably, a significant portion of these pledges hailed from UAE-based workforces, highlighting the nation’s steadfast commitment to gender equality.

Diana Wilde, co-founder of Aurora50, expressed her gratitude, emphasizing the transformative power of collective action. “This remarkable initiative underscores our commitment to promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all,” she remarked. “Now, we hope our successful record attempt will translate into tangible action and change over the coming year until the next summit.”

SPROWT’s involvement underscores its dedication to fostering inclusive workplaces and championing diversity. By joining forces with Aurora50 and other visionary organizations, SPROWT reaffirms its commitment to advancing gender equality and driving positive change in the workplace and beyond.

As part of the pledge, participants committed to five core principles:

Principle 1 – Gender equality: Promote gender equality by treating all colleagues equally, regardless of gender, and advocate for initiatives that promote gender equity.

Principle 2 – Actively listen: Actively listen to the ideas, concerns, and experiences of women and men equally, ensuring they have a voice in meetings and decision-making processes.

Principle 3 – Address & challenge bias: Be vigilant about addressing and challenging any gender bias, stereotypes, or discriminatory behavior encountered in the workplace.

Principle 4 – Mentor & sponsor: Offer equal mentorship and sponsorship opportunities to women and men, supporting their career advancement and professional development.

Principle 5 – Celebrate achievements: Recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of all employees in the workplace, fostering an environment of appreciation and inclusivity.

Through initiatives like this record-breaking pledge, SPROWT remains steadfast in its mission to promote diversity, inclusivity, and gender equality in the workplace and society at large. Together, let us continue to #bethechange and shape a future where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive.